

Rachel Juarez – Celebrity judge and legal professional

Mar 28, 2023

New Thinking No Holding Back podcast

Series streaming on:

Apple Podcasts Spotify Amazon Music

Your host:

Susan Estrich

Lawyer, professor, author & political commentator

In this episode we discuss:

Rachel Juarez is an accomplished legal professional and one of the esteemed judges on CBS Media’s acclaimed and Emmy-nominated court program, Hot Bench. A proud native of Los Angeles, Juarez earned her degrees from prestigious institutions such as Yale University and Stanford Law School.

During their discussion, Susan and Rachel explore the Alec Baldwin case, speculating on whether further criminal charges could be brought. They also examine the broader issues of gun control, questioning why a loaded gun was present on the set. Together they address the recent sentencing and laundering case of “Chrisley Knows Best” and consider whether the courts treat celebrities and the wealthy differently. Lastly, the conversation turns to Sam Bankman-Fried, with the pair drawing comparisons between him and Elizabeth Holmes.


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