

Tunde Banjoko

Social mobility entrepreneur

Jan 10, 2020

New Thinking Leaders podcast

Streaming on:

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Tunde Banjoko is founder and chief executive of Making The Leap. The London-based charity tackles the issues surrounding social mobility by increasing opportunities for underprivileged young people, helping them make a start in their careers.

Since 2011, the charity has supported over 50,000 young people by developing their essential skills. In 2017, Tunde founded the UK Social Mobility Awards to encourage organisations across the country to tackle this deep societal problem.

In this in-depth conversation, Tunde discusses how he has doubled his efforts to tackle social mobility with the launch of his recent podcast, describes how he was inspired by the ‘Strive’ programme in the US which offers support to individuals struggling to find employment, and argues why one of the most impactful changes to social inequality that the UK government can make will be to abolish university fees.

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