

Dr Curly Moloney

CEO, The Cambridge Code

Apr 9, 2021

New Thinking Leaders podcast

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Dr Curly Moloney is chief executive of The Cambridge Code. The company helps people better understand the DNA of their mind, with a questionnaire that aims to improve your life, career and relationships.

A doctor of medicine and bachelor of surgery, before joining the business she founded the international professional service firm, Moloney Search. More recently, she has co-written ‘The Cambridge Code: One Simple Test to Uncover Who You Are,’ a step-by-step guide to enhance understanding of the subconscious.

In this in-depth conversation, Curly shares insight into her achievements so far and reflects on where her interest in brain function came from; describes the thought behind Moloney Search, and their mission to encourage the hiring of graduates to bring much needed value and diversity into the sector; and explains the role she plays in the wider mental health conversation, and the importance of people becoming more aware and educated on this in society.